Lulu's Music Box     

Cute Lulu

Britney Spears


Christina Aguilera

Destiny's Child

Puff Dady

Ricky Martin

Savage Garden

Will Smith
             Hi, welcome to my music box. I'd like to share my favorate music with you... (ah, some are not my 'favorate', just too popular and I feel like I have to put them here... Emm, and to tell you the truth, I'm kind of embarrassed by putting Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera's picture at the top of this page... I just like them... Don't you think they are pretty? And young, and energized...)

             Emm, seems talked too much... Actually I don't know what to talk... I'm not a music fan, and not a music major... (Oh, I used to learn piano for about 2 years...) So please give me your comments, suggestions or cretisis

             Forgot to declare, the artists I listed is in a alphabetical sequence, not my personal preference.

             OK, let me stop here, and let you enjoy the music...Let my cat (Named Mermer) enjoy the music too!! (Isn't my Mermer cute?!)
